maandag 13 december 2010

Guerrilla Marketing: A New Game

Guerrilla warfare is defined in Wikipedia as “a form of irregular warfare….in which a small group of combatants use ambushes, sabotage, the element of surprise and extraordinary mobility….to strike a vulnerable target”.  Hopefully this gets you all tingly inside as it is highly relatable to our purpose as guerrilla marketers.
These are exciting times.  The shortcomings of traditional media combined with the ever-evolving maturity and selectivity of the consumer have cleared a path for the courageous.  Conventional messaging has failed both the end user and the marketing industry as a whole.  What now exists is a prevalent need for substance, for value, for authenticity and for the remarkable.
In a constantly buzzing atmosphere, we are in the unique position to express ourselves to consumers in a manner that adds valuable moments to their everyday lives.  We are in the business of creation, folks.  We produce influential art.
We are limited only by our own mental barriers.  Historical boundaries have been effectively removed thanks in part to the immeasurable reach and depth of online life.  Monetary prowess is no longer the driving force behind a campaign’s success.  There’s a new game in town, folks.
Screen shot 2010 12 07 at 9.36.02 PM 300x165 Guerrilla Marketing: A New Game Guerilla Marketing Example
Passion, creativity, imagination, hard work, courage, strategy, flexibility, adaptability – these are the artillery with which we make our presence known.
Our first client at Marcello Entertainment taught us the best guerrilla marketing lesson we could have ever asked for.  He ran a series of very popular summer football camps and when we met up with him, he was in the midst of the lowest number of sign-ups in seven years.  To make matters worse, he had blown through his entire marketing budget with print and radio spots.  “Dave, I like what I’m hearing and wish I had some funds to give you for execution.  Best I can do is…$100.”  One hundred bucks!  Camp kicked off in three weeks, this guy had his lowest number of participants ever and now we have a measly $100 to turn things around…..
No problem.  What transpired over the next three days could best be described as part mad-scientist-in-the-lab-scheming, part Home Economics 101 and part stealth-ninja-in-the-dark action.  With quite a bit of energy, creativity, teamwork and elbow grease, we fashioned a guerrilla signage campaign that blanketed hot spots in key markets over the long 4th of July weekend. Results – our client ended the season breaking longstanding camp registration records!  All for $100.
As Jay Conrad Levinson once wrote, “Here is what guerrilla marketing is not: expensive, easy, common, wasteful, taught in marketing classes, found in standard marketing textbooks, practiced by advertising agencies, or known to the majority of your competitors.”
It’s not in the book.  It’s in between the lines.  And it’s up to you to define its future.


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